Worldwide Entertainment Studios

Though long on scenery and despite loads of talent, Montana lacks the type of purpose-built space producers need to manufacture large scale feature films, TV shows and other recorded audio/video programming intended for exhibition around the world in theaters and home entertainment environments, and on traditional and new media platforms. As a result, many multimillion-dollar productions which would otherwise create great, good-paying jobs in Montana are lost to other states that have already built such infrastructure.
It's time for Montana to increase its share of this business. To make this happen, an expansive, state of the art, major manufacturing facility for Motion Pictures, Television, Digital Video and Streaming Productions (“Studio”) is to be located in Montana.
It will be designed and operated by Worldwide Entertainment Studios, creating a state-of-the-art destination where major digital content producers will be provided everything they require for their productions.
Once the production facility is built, our teams of experts will tap their extensive Industry relationships to attract and nurture a continuing stream of high-profile productions to Montana. We will put dollars to work training Montanans to become vital contributors to this effort.